Saturday, November 22, 2008

Peanut Butter

Welcome to the Art Of Reason blog, our main goal here is to poke fun and the fundamentally illogical and turn sacred cows into hamburgers, or tasty mushroom cheeseburgers. 

I personally am  not focused enough to be consistent so some times you may find that there is a written blog, and other times you find a cartoon here, which I have created with my immense talent both for artistic expression and juvenile humor.   So with out further introduction I present my first skeptical/atheist cartoon, and I hope you enjoy it. which by the way isn't very funny if you have not seen the "atheist's nightmare" youtube video:Peanut butter, the atheist's nightmare 

The Flying Pig

1 comment:

paula said...

How is it we have The Art of Reason written by a doctor with a Master's degree and a flying pig who is a person, commented on by a dog who is really two people? Is that art - or reason?